(UPDATED 2022) ENTRE Institute

ENTRE Institute: Is It Right For You?
So you’ve decided to join the wonderful world of ENTREpreneurship? Congratulations! Working for yourself and being an ENTREpreneur can be very rewarding, lucrative, and fun– if you do it right.
But that’s a pretty big if. While it’s certainly possible to achieve your version of The Good Life via ENTREpreneurship, it’s not as simple as throwing some money at a class and waking up rich.
But the fact that you’re reading this ENTRE Institute review and overview shows me that you’re already aware of this. You already know you’ll need some kind of education, mentor, course, or package deal to show you the ropes and get you started… it’s just a matter of making the right investment.
No business venture should be taken lightly, so I applaud you doing your research before you buy. Today, I’ll take you through the ENTRE Institute, the founder Jeff Lerner, what comes with your ENTRE tuition fees, what other reviewers are saying, and my own personal opinion. Let’s dig in!
What Is ENTRE Institute?
The ENTRE Institute is an educational platform and membership community for ENTREpreneurs, created by successful ENTREpreneur and business coach Jeff Lerner.
Lerner is the founder of 15+ companies across various industries, and he’s used his experience (and earnings) to create a space where he can teach others how to be successful in business as well.
The ENTRE Institute offers an evergreen course on business and ENTREpreneurship called The ENTRE Blueprint, which is updated with new information every year. You also get access to an inner circle of other successful ENTREpreneurs, as well as monthly coaching calls and office hours with Jeff himself.
You also receive access to a number of digital products and resources, like e-books, templates, checklists, and more.
Who Is Jeff Lerner?
As I mentioned, the ENTRE Institute was created by Jeff Lerner.
Lerner is a successful businessman and ENTREpreneur who has started (and sold) over 15 companies. He’s also a highly-acclaimed business coach, speaker, and author.
In addition to his work with the ENTRE Institute, Lerner is also a founding partner of Perfect Audience (an adtech company that was acquired by MarTech giant Oracle), and he’s the host of The Jeff Show– a popular business podcast.
Lerner has been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Inc., Yahoo Finance, TechCrunch, and more.
Is Jeff Lerner Legit?
There’s no doubt that Lerner is a legitimate ENTREpreneur and business coach. He’s built a number of successful companies, he’s been featured in major publications, and he has a large following of happy students.
With that said, it’s important to remember that just because someone is successful, doesn’t mean they can teach others how to be the same.
I’ll go into more detail on this later, but I will say that Lerner does seem to know his stuff when it comes to ENTREpreneurship. He has a lot of experience and he seems to be able to articulate his thoughts and strategies well.
So if you’re looking for a mentor or teacher who is both experienced and articulate, Lerner may be a good fit for you.
How Much Is ENTRE Institute?

The ENTRE Institute costs $39 per month, and I found reports of some students being offered annual memberships at the end of their first month. Basically, you'll get contacted by someone at ENTRE and asked if you'd like to save X amount of dollars by paying for a full year of membership instead of month-to-month. The annual pricing seems to be around $400, but varies from person to person.
There is also a 30-day money back guarantee, but I found many reviewers who struggled to make use of their 30-day money back guarantee. Know that if you have any intention of utilizing this guarantee, you'll most likely have to dispute the charges with your bank... because ENTRE doesn't seem to respond to inquiries about refunds.
You'll also be pitched on upsells... almost constantly. There will always be another tier with more resources, support, and 1-on-1 time. ENTRE Institute tends to do custom pricing for each person with slight variations, but generally, the highest tier at ENTRE will cost you $15,000.
And if you buy every single tier from the $39 monthly tuition up to the highest, you're looking at about $47,000 in expenses. They have built SO. MANY. UPSELLS. into this program.
The ENTRE Institute Package
When you pay the first $39, you’ll get access to the entire ENTRE library of teachings, which is known as The ENTRE Blueprint Training Course. This is the real meat of the program. Your membership to ENTRE Institute also gives you access to:
– The ENTRE Nation Facebook group
– Monthly coaching calls with Jeff Lerner
– Access to office hours with Jeff Lerner
– E-books, templates, and checklists (known as the ENTRE Vault)
– Exclusive discounts on partner products and services
Inside ENTRE Blueprint
The ENTRE Blueprint is the foundation of the ENTRE Institute. But honestly, I found it far more fluffy than meaty in terms of valuable content. The thing is, Blueprint is a 6-step video training. That’s it. I’ve both filmed and viewed some very educational video trainings in my life, but 6 just doesn’t seem like enough to cover everything– even if the videos are on the longer side.
The Blueprint covers Lerner’s 3 P’s to achieve success and throw off the shackles of your 9 to 5. The 3 P’s are Physical, Professional, and Personal. The videos dive into what that means, and how to apply it to your business. But it’s really a lot of mindset, and not a lot of actionable steps.
Basically, my honest opinion is that ENTRE Blueprint is designed to be an upsell. What that means is, you pay a marketer (Lerner in this case) a small amount for a basic product – the Blueprint. The Blueprint contains a few sales pitches for the next tier up. The next tier up contains sales pitches for the next tier up. And so on and so forth until you’ve spent nearly $50 grand on the guy, if you aren’t careful.
I like the idea of the ENTRE Blueprint and what Lerner stands for, but I don’t like the product they’ve created to serve that need.
Is ENTRE Institute A Scam or Legit?
No, the ENTRE Institute is not a scam. But it is a very polarizing program, and there are definite pros and cons to joining.

On the one hand, it's created by a legitimate ENTREpreneur with a lot of experience, and the content is comprehensive and well-organized. Additionally, membership does give you access to a number of resources that could be helpful as you start or grow your business.
On the other hand, the program is expensive-- especially if you buy into all of the upsells. Additionally, many students have had difficulty getting refunds when they tried to cancel their memberships, which is definitely a red flag.
Ultimately, the ENTRE Institute is not technically a scam. In a scam, you pay for something promised but receive nothing (or something far less valuable) in return. When you sign up with this program, you'll get exactly what you're promised.
The problem is, what you're promised isn't all that grand... which means there's not much that ENTRE Institute has to live up to. By using supposition-based hooks, they're able to paint a very compelling picture of what your life "could be" like-- not what it "will be" like. There are no guarantees or promises with this program, either. Keep all of this in mind as you evaluate how useful this course will be for you.
Results After Investing $39 in ENTRE Institute
As you probably guessed, I’m not super thrilled by what I got for my $39 monthly membership. I feel like the ENTRE Institute is trying to provide most of their value via resources that don’t involve Lerner directly. This is a very common formula for internet ENTREpreneurs– how can they move on to their next lucrative idea if they’re doing 1-on-1 coaching for every single student of their previous idea?
For example, included in your $39 is access to the Facebook group, viewing access for Lerner’s weekly informational videos, access to digital PDF versions of the documents you’ll need to start your business, and discounts on classes and services from his friends.
And very few of those things require Lerner’s attention and time. Personally, I feel like not much love is given to the $39 tier. My impression is most of the staff’s time goes towards serving higher-tiered members and trying to get lower-tiered members to pay more, rather than helping lower-tiered members where they are now.
Some ENTRE Institute reviews said they felt like they paid $39 to hear sales pitches all the time. These reviews are not common, but boy are they an extremely vocal minority. Real quick, let’s go through the upsells they’ll throw at you so you know what to expect.
The ENTRE Nation Elite
This is the next step up from the ENTRE Nation community included in your $39 monthly fee. This one costs an additional $49 per month at the time of writing.
ENTRE Nation Elite gives you access to a separate Facebook group that’s a bit more active and more moderated. It’s clear that the staff and Lerner focus more time and effort here than with the main ENTRE Nation group. I mean, I’d expect more attention too if I paid more– but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to know they do so at the cost of the lowest-tier members.
With Elite, you’ll also get access to members-only weekly webinars with Lerner and his team. Again, these are separate from (and more actionable than) the webinars posted in the lowest-tier group. The webinars talk about digital marketing and running a business online.
ENTRE Digital
ENTRE Digital is like a one-time payment for the ENTRE Institute, and you don’t get any live help or support– meaning no coaching calls, no access to any Facebook groups, and no access to new webinars. What you do get is the ENTRE Blueprint and a few of their other paid resources for a one-time payment of $1,997.
I really don’t think it’s worth it. It feels like Lerner and his team saying “Oh, you don’t want to pay monthly so that we can’t hit you with sales pitches every month? Fine, pay way more and also we’re cutting you off from contact!”
ENTRE Results
Also called ENTRE Coaching depending on who you talk to, this gives you access to 1-on-1 private coaching sessions. They’re pretty cagey with the details– like how often you can book a session and how long the sessions can be.
This costs $15,000 per year. For $15,000, I’d expect a heck of a lot of calls. But I couldn’t even get that information out of them.
ENTRE Inner Circle
Finally, there’s the ENTRE Inner Circle. This tier unlocks monthly “Digital Intensive Workshops” with Lerner and his staff. There is 1 every single month for a total of 12 every year– I was glad to at least be able to confirm that much. You’ll also get access to 2 live digital workshops every year, and they’ll give you “first dibs” on any new programs they create.
The cost for this tier is $29,999 annually.
ENTRE Institute Pros and Cons
Okay, we’ve finally made it! Now that you have a clear understanding of the ENTRE Institute and what to expect if you sign up, let’s talk about my personal opinion of Lerner and his program.
Reasons to Avoid ENTRE Institute
1) The $39 monthly membership doesn’t get you much
2) There’s very little clarity on what you’re getting for your money
3) You’re constantly being hit with sales pitches for more and more expensive programs
4) Lerner and his team seem more interested in making money than helping people
5) Many of the things ENTRE promises– like community support and 1-on-1 coaching– are gated behind exorbitantly priced memberships
Reasons to Buy It
1) If you have the money to blow, it could be worth signing up for one of the higher tiers– Lerner and his team are very successful, smart marketers
2) The Blueprint is a decent resource if you’re starting a business from scratch
3) You might be able to find some value in the webinars and other resources ENTRE provides
The Bottom Line – ENTRE Institute Review
So is the ENTRE Institute a scam? Overall, I would say no. While I don’t think it’s worth signing up for, I also don’t think Lerner and his team are out to intentionally scam people.
I believe they genuinely believe in their program and think it can help people. The problem is that they’re so focused on making money that they’ve lost sight of what’s actually valuable to their members.
The ENTRE Blueprint could be helpful if you’re starting a business from scratch. But if you’re even slightly experienced in online marketing, you’ll probably find that most of the information is outdated or basic.
I also think the webinars and other resources ENTRE provides could be helpful to some people. But again, you can find most of this information for free online– you don’t need to pay ENTRE $39 a month to get it.
Overall, I would recommend avoiding ENTRE Institute. There are much better (and more affordable) programs out there that can help you grow your business.
I Buy I Review is your No. 1 source of information on online programs that promise to help you grow your business. Check out our reviews to see if they’re worth your time and investment.

I buy and review courses so you don’t have to. Sometimes, I even find courses that are legitimate and worthwhile; and that’s how I accidentally came across one that led me to building a 6-figure business in a little under 5 years. Now, I still review courses because it’s my favorite hobby. 🙂 Learn more about me here.
So what course or programs do you reccomend people to look into investing in ?
Honestly, the one I’ve had most success with is called LMV. I wrote more about why here: https://ibuyireview.com/about-me