Life Leadership Review – Is it worth investing in?
Chances are you have come across a Life Leadership representative or heard of the company from a member like I did, so I decided to write this life leadership review on IBuyIReview. I was approached by a Life Leadership representative and decided to pay the membership fee so I could write a first-hand and unbiased review.
Table of Contents
Life Leadership Review - About the Company
Life Leadership was started in 2011 by Orrin Woodward, Tim Marks, George Guzzardo, Chris Brady, Clause Hamilton, Dan Hawkins and Bill Lewis.
Shockingly, it’s still around today, which can’t be said about many other MLMs.
While there is a whole team behind the business, it doesn’t always mean that it’s necessarily better organized than a lot of other MLMs you might encounter.
This business is based in Cary, North Carolina where many of the founders are based as well. Life Leadership deals with informational and educational material, in the form of videos, audios, books and live events to encourage people through faith-based transformations.
Joining Life Leadership
It costs $99.99 to buy Life Leadership’s business starter pack, and an annual fee of $15 if auto-renewed or $19 if manually renewed.
Ultimately, the auto vs. manual renew is odd to me, because in either case you are being charged an additional amount to renew. It seems more like an incentive to stop renewing entirely, but a lot of the folks who are paying for this starter pack see it as worthwhile.
Now, it is worth mentioning that this is $15 or $19 annually, not $114 or $118 annually; the $99 is a one-time fee that you purchase up-front. The annual fee may apply during the first purchase, however.
Life Leadership Review - The Products
The products are divided into three categories depending on what your primary focus for transformation is:
- Financial Development
- Professional Development
- Personal Development
Financial Development
- Financial Fitness Program – It costs \$109 – \$164.99. It teaches you the principles of making money, budgeting and discipline, and the rules of money.
- Financial Fitness Master Class – It costs $164.99 – $246.99. It is for those who want to get a deeper understanding of the principles of finances.
- Financial Fitness Track and Save – This costs $22 per month and helps you learn the fundamental elements of the Financial Fitness Program: tracking your spending and saving your money.
- Wealth Habits Subscription Series – It costs $38 upfront and a monthly subscription of $11. It aims to teach you and aid you to develop the habits of the wealthy in a series of small sessions.
There is a Financial Fitness app through which you can purchase Life Leadership products. While it’s not required to purchase through this app, it is the primary source of revenue and inbound sales for the company.
Professional Development
This costs $64.95 for six months and gives you access to a book and four audios each month. It is designed to develop leaders to transform the corporate world.
If you ask me, an Audible membership or one of those book subscription boxes are probably going to give you more bang for your buck. You don’t have any control over what books (physical or audio) that you receive from Life Leadership, and you’re expected to finish all five in that month.
Overall, the professional development subscription is well-intentioned, but it just doesn’t seem to keep up with the times, and there are many books on the list that you’ve probably already read if you’ve dove into self-help and professional development on your own time at all.
Personal Development
This section is a series of optional costs, which seems like a small investment when broken down like it is.
Overall, these all have tinges of political and religious bias, so if that’s not your thing, you could probably skip all of this.
If you subscribe to each of these to receive the full personal development offering, you’re looking at spending $83.41 each month (or $1,000.92 annually.)
That’s a lot of money to spend on one area of this company’s advice.
Of course, they have a total access tier which provides some discount: $82.50 for a single monthly subscription, or $160 for a couple.
I was disappointed with these numbers because that saves you very little. For a single subscription, that is $990 each year, or for a couple – which saves you a little bit more money – is $1,920 annually.
- Life Leadership – It costs $22 per month and is designed to promote personal growth and development in all areas of life. It is a monthly package of one magazine and two audios.
- Edge Series – It costs $11 per month and is designed to teach preteens and early teens the principles of success.
- Rascal Radio – It costs $22 per month, and is an online/mobile personal development radio station.
- Freedom – This costs $11 for an annual subscription. You get one audio per month that teaches you the principles of freedom and how you can preserve it in your society.
- Total Access – It costs $82.50 for a single subscription and $160 for a couple’s monthly subscription. It gives you complete access to the LIFE Library of life coaching videos and all monthly LIFE Live educational events.
- All Grace Outreach – It costs $27.50 per month for a book and audio per month. It aims to promote spiritual growth and development in people while strengthening their Christian walk.
Life Leadership Compensation Plan
Here’s the company’s real focus: getting more people to purchase their products and salespeople joining their ranks. When you join the compensation plan, you become an “affiliate”, which sounds better than a distributor or team member.
Life Leadership’s affiliates are paid commissions for making retail sales. The commissions depend on the affiliates rank and their downline.
There are thirty-three ranks in Life Leadership, which can be overwhelming if you’re not accustomed to the significant number of ranks, but it makes the prospect of getting promoted and climbing those ranks a little easier to imagine.
Unfortunately, like in most MLMs, they’re largely for show and only a select few will get into a high enough rank to make any meaningful income from the venture.
Retail Commission
The Life Leadership affiliates get a 15% commission (based on the point value of the item) on every sale of Life Leadership products to retail customers. This remains the same no matter what rank you’re at. One thing to note is that this isn’t based on the dollar amount, but on the point value, which is an internal metric that can vary depending on the product. Not all products seem to have dollar amount ties to the point values they’re given.
This can make earning an income tricky, as it always seems that the point values are skewed to a fraction of what they’re supposedly worth, and on top of that you’re fighting against a dollar-amount retail price of the business starter pack you purchased to join the ranks.
Customer Pool Bonus
This bonus is paid out each quarter on each affiliate’s total quarterly retail sales. To qualify, you have to have accrued 600 PV that quarter in retail sales.
According to Life Leadership, the amount varies according to the individual’s total sales volume and the overall sales performance. Life Leadership guarantees a minimum bonus of $50 for those who achieve the stats, but there is little talk about how many people received the bonus.
Cumulative Customer Bonus
The Cumulative Customer Bonus essentially rewards you for being active within the MLM, but the bonus isn’t easy to get to.
Few people within the company make it to the highest tier of 200,000 PV. The actual description of the bonus is that it awards affiliates who are retail-oriented with an annual bonus. The bonus depends on the affiliate’s annual retail volume. (PV – Personal Volume)
- 5000 PV – $500 bonus
- 10,000 PV – $1,000 bonus
- 15,000 PV – $1,500 bonus
- 20,000 PV – $2,200 bonus
- 30,000 PV – $4,000 bonus
- 50,000 PV – $7,000 bonus
- 100,000 PV – $15,000 bonus
- 200,000 PV – $40,000 bonus
Personal Bonus
This is a monthly rebate given to affiliates when they personally purchase Life Leadership products. The higher the volume of products the affiliate purchases, the more the rebate they get.
Essentially, you can think of this as an employee discount, but without the cash value. You still pay full price, but you’re able to regain some of the PV into your account.
The idea is that it will accumulate and you’re incentivized to continue purchasing Life Leadership products because you get a “benefit” to improving yourself and remaining an affiliate of the company.
In reality, you’re spending just as much money on a company who is just interested in getting you to make more money for them. I wouldn’t consider this a real bonus, and the rebate is considerably low for the amount it takes to get to any significant PV from purchases you’ve made.
- 150 PV – 3% rebate
- 300 PV – 6% rebate
- 600 PV – 9% rebate
- 1000 PV – 12% rebate
- 1500 PV – 15% rebate
- 2500 PV – 18% rebate
- 4000 PV – 22% rebate
- 6000 PV – 27% rebate
- 8000 PV – 30% rebate
- 10,000 PV – 33% rebate
Customer Bonus
The Customer Bonus uses the same PV qualification as the Personal Bonus, but on the retail customer orders instead of personal purchases.
This is a much more reasonable bonus to offer and will make you feel like you’re getting rewarded for making sales. Still, however, it’s important to understand that it will take a significant amount of sales to get a PV that is worth you’re time.
Overall, your time is better spent with making money on methods outside of the company, if you ask for my opinion, but I’ll cover that a little bit more at the end of this review.
Differential Bonus
The Differential Bonus is an interesting concept, but fails to make any real difference in my opinion. It seems like something that was added to make lower ranks feel better about their position.
This bonus is based on the difference between a distributor’s rebate rank and that of their downline. It uses the same PV qualification as the Personal Bonus.
Depth Bonus
This is the residual commission and is paid out using a unilevel compensation structure, according to the affiliate’s rank. Overall, I have to say that I’m disappointed that there is so much focus on bonuses, and once you get past a certain commission rate, the increase is considerably lower.
For example, moving up two ranks from Senior Coordinator to Executive Life Coach doubles your commission rate, which is a fantastic deal.
Moving up two ranks from Triple Life Coach to Crown Ambassador Life Coach, however, only nets you a commission increase of 0.40%.
None of these commission rates will move beyond 10%, which means the company is pocketing 97% – 92.35% of all retail sales you struggle to make, plus anything you pay them to join in the first place.
- Senior Coordinator – 3% commission
- Life Coach – 5% commission
- Executive Life Coach – 6% commission
- Double Life Coach – 6.75% commission
- Triple Life Coach – 7.25% commission
- Crown Life Coach – 7.5% commission
- Crown Ambassador Life Coach – 7.65% commission
Leader Bonus
A person at the Leader rank or higher qualifies for this bonus if they personally recruit someone in their downline at the Leader rank or higher.
Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that you have to be at the Leader rank yourself. If you’re not at the Leader rank and someone in your downline becomes a Leader, then you won’t get the bonus for it.
This also translates to: anyone in your upline who is in the Leader rank is going to be invested in getting you to purchase whatever is necessary to get into the Leader ranks as well, because they’ll receive a commission on you upgrading.
Personally, this really wasn’t something I was interested in. I’m annoyed with how often I hear of people getting hounded to join a higher tier even if they’re already drowning in their accrued debt from the previous tier they upgraded to.
No thanks, not for me.
Life Coach 12 Achievement Bonus
This achievement is for the affiliates who qualify for the Life Coach 12 rank. The prize is something that I don’t think I expected any MLM (or any legitimate company, for that matter) to offer: the winners of this achievement receive a car – a Tesla Model S.
Now, I haven’t ever heard or anyone receiving this prize, as the requirements are a bit steep and would require that you’ve been in the business for a long time.
Essentially, with the amount of money you would have made for their company at this point, you would have been able to purchase the car yourself if you were running your own business.
Life Leadership Review - The Verdict
Life Leadership is a very legit company with some useful lessons and training courses. However, since it is an MLM, you have to be excellent in recruiting new and active members into the company, for a chance to earn good money.
Ready for Something New?
Want to learn how you can amass real wealth without the long MLM hours, confusing bonuses, upline payouts and pitching to your personal networks?
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I’ve changed my life in recent years, switching from MLM to MLM and back and forth to a real, legitimate business model that has skyrocketed my success.
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This program will turn you into a professional dot connector and help you get paid for it, even if you don’t have any previous experience.
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The basic concept is that there are plenty of local businesses out there providing services from pool cleaning to auto repair, and they desperately need help in an era that is becoming increasingly digital.
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This business model has helped me find a purpose in life. I feel needed, I’m helping someone else put food on their tables, and in return, they give me a kickback for each customer I send their way.
It’s all a pretty fair deal.
But, I care about my readers.
Many of you have been reading my material for years.
For others, this might be your first article (hello!).
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I buy and review courses so you don’t have to. Sometimes, I even find courses that are legitimate and worthwhile; and that’s how I accidentally came across one that led me to building a 6-figure business in a little under 5 years. Now, I still review courses because it’s my favorite hobby. 🙂 Learn more about me here.
I was told by my upline that after the launch of Starfish we weren’t an “mlm anymore because mlms don’t partner with companies like Amazon”. Plus, the leadership constantly put down people in other industries who were wealthy and said that people who worked in places like Wall Street or Silicon Valley were “idiots” for wanting to work their whole lives instead of getting involved in an mlm. Most of my friends are high net worth individuals who love what they do. You want my advice? Stay away from these guys.
Think I will pass