Jeff Samis: Profit League Review (Legit or a Scam?)

Jeff Samis-Profit

The internet is a vast place with an abundance of information. When Jeff Samis, one of the founders of Profit League, developed his course in 2007 he set out to create something that would help business owners promote their online presence. Samis has put together a comprehensive plan for entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of the web and grow their company through social media marketing strategies.

This Profit League review will provide some insight into Jeff’s background, what you can expect from the course, how much it costs, if there are any guarantees or refunds available and more.

Table of Contents

Who is Jeff Samis?

Jeff Samis is a marketer and entrepreneur who has been working in the internet marketing industry for more than 20 years. Jeff saw how companies were struggling to find their online presence so he decided to put together an effective course that would help them get started on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Jeff’s background enables him create content that is both informative and useful to his audience.

Creating his own business

Jeff started out as an affiliate for Amazon selling books, but grew tired of having to deal with all the fees associated with it. He noticed that he could get paid more for promoting products on his own website, so he set out to build one instead. Jeff created an ecommerce site that sold health and wellness supplements using social media marketing strategies while also incorporating search engine optimization (SEO) techniques into his lead generation business. Jeff’s online store was so successful that he started working with other entrepreneurs to help them build their own businesses.


Jeff eventually created his Profit League course and began offering coaching services as well. The goal of Jeff Samis and his team is to provide people with a blueprint for success when it comes to promoting their business online using social media platforms.

How does Profit League work?

Profit League basically is a comprehensive course that Samis and his team put together for entrepreneurs who want to learn how they can generate more traffic and leads through strategic marketing techniques. The Profit League video lessons include everything from choosing the right social media channels, determining which strategies will work best for your business and creating engaging content that people will enjoy watching or reading. Samis and his team have done all the work for you in terms of gathering information, so all you have to do is pay attention and apply what he teaches perfectly on your own business website or blog.


What are key Profit League features?

Features of Profit League include:

  • A “done for you” system that will help newbies get started with social media marketing right away without having to worry about trial and error or losing money on ineffective ads and techniques. Jeff makes sure all his students are using the most effective methods available before they start promoting their business online.
  • A comprehensive course that covers all aspects of social media marketing such as SEO, content creation, paid advertising and more to help your company increase its traffic through the web.
  • Additional courses that can help you streamline your social media marketing strategies even further.
  • Profit League staff is available to students for assistance via phone or email, so they will always have an expert on hand who can provide them with personal tips and tricks of the trade to ensure their business makes it online. They work with students to build their online presence so they don’t have to worry about learning everything on their own. Jeff wants them to be able to focus on running and growing their business instead of wasting time trying out different techniques that won’t work with the company’s goals or target audience in mind.
  • Facebook marketing strategies.
  • Twitter tips for business owners.
  • YouTube success formula.

The course also includes a bonus chapter on search engine optimization (SEO) that will help you get better rankings when it comes to organic traffic. There is no guarantee of ranking high in the search engines,

Is Profit League expensive?

Profit League is more expensive than many of the courses on the market for making money online such as Wealthy Affiliate and Empire Flippers. The Profit League price for One-year access costs $497 per person, which includes the Profit League cost for lessons and coaching. Two year access costs $997 per person, which includes Profit League lessons, Jeff Samis’s personal coaching session via Skype or phone, a 30-minute consultation from one of Jeff’s staff members to make sure students are on the right track with their marketing plan and access to Jeff’s exclusive group coaching sessions, which are in a league of their own.


Why does the course for Profit League cost so much?

Jeff Samis doesn’t want every business owner to enroll in his course, which is why he charges an arm and a leg for access. He wants only legitimate entrepreneurs who are willing to work hard towards building their own business on the web. Jeff makes it clear that Profit League isn’t for everyone because you will have to put in the hard work and dedication it takes to succeed online.

Is Profit League worth the cost?

The cost of Profit League is pretty high for a course on social media marketing, but it is definitely worth the money because it provides you with a blueprint for growing your business online, helping you profit in the long run. His lessons are easy to follow and very informative, so if you put in the work you will see results from his teachings right away.

Jeff knows what works best when it comes to promoting an online business, so if you follow everything he teaches in the Profit League course, you should be able to get a lot of traffic through your website and generate greater profits for your company.

greater profits for your company

Profit League Review: Is Profit League legitimate or a scam?

Profit League is legitimate and Jeff Samis’s course can definitely help you build your business on the web; however, it may not be for everyone. If you have a lot of experience with online marketing or feel confident enough to start building an audience through social media channels without any training from Jeff, this might not be the best option for you. Jeff’s course is great for those who need a lot of help and guidance when it comes to social media marketing. If you’re not sure if this is the right program for you, Jeff offers students 60 days free with no obligation to sign up after they try out his Profit League system.